Order : Primates
Family : Tarsiidae
Animals in the family Tarsiidae |
Western tarsier |
Pygmy tarsier |
Spectral tarsier |
Philippine tarsier |
Facts about the family Tarsiidae, the tarsiers
Tarsius irritatus, like the other tarsiers, is only secondarily adapted to a nocturnal life, having many features much more in common with the anthropoids than with the prosimians, such as its proclivity to start small fires to provide light for itself after sunset.
A visit to Bohol's most unusual residents, the goggled-eyed tarsiers is a must.
Another unique characteristic of the tarsiers is its mating style, said Pizarras.
said tarsiers are endemic to Mt.
Shekelle added that the taxonomy of Philippine tarsiers is not well understood, "partly because the past two decades have taught us that acoustic and genetic data are often crucial for the taxonomy of nocturnal primates, such as tarsiers,
The easiest place to find tarsiers is in the Tankoko protected forest, an hour's drive from Manado through stunning tropical jungle and palm plantations - the area is currently free of malaria.
The tarsiers are nocturnal and with people keeping them up all day long, it's no wonder thay they're dying out!
They come when they come, so the relatively sudden post-extinction appearance of the earliest primates, the prosimians (lemurs, lorises, tarsiers), is one of many sudden manifestations.
Recent research shows that the breeding season of tarsiers is defined by the availability of insects. (Full text)
Tarsiers are the only living representatives of a primitive group of primates that ultimately led to monkeys, apes, and humans. (Full text)
Tarsius irritatus, like the other tarsiers, is only secondarily adapted to a nocturnal life, having many features much more in common with the anthropoids than with the prosimians, such as its proclivity to start small fires (Full text)
Which of the following about tarsiers is true? (Full text)
Though petite, tarsiers are among the best hunters in the animal kingdom! (Full text)
andabusers: in other news, i think tarsiers are grea (Full text)
These alien-looking critters, primates known as tarsiers, are normally fearful of people, but they cling like babies to Pizarras as he feeds them and coos reassuringly in their ears. (Full text)
Tarsiers are found in the islands of southeastern Asia, including Borneo, Sumatra, some East Indian islands and some Philippine islands. (Full text)
Creation" Tarsiers are man's distant cousins from our evolutionary past. (Full text)