Brown-headed spider monkey
Order : Primates
Family : Cebidae
Subfamily : Atelinae
Species : Ateles fusciceps
Facts about the brown-headed spider monkey
Hooded and Panama spider monkeys are listed as Endangered; and Azuero and brown-headed spider monkeys are listed as Critically Endangered.
The brown-headed spider monkey is a little known subspecies that can be
The Brown-headed spider monkey is almost entirely black, with
The Brown-Headed Spider Monkey is diurnal, which means that he is .
Vernacular name: Brown-headed spider monkey The brown-headed spider monkey is a little known subspecies that can be distinguished from other Ateles by its brown head.
Brown-headed Spider Monkeys are found in the rainforests of Central and South America. (Full text)
The Brown-Headed Spider Monkey is diurnal, which means that he is mostly active . (Full text)

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