Antechinus means "hedgehog equivalent" and there are nine other species in addition to the Fawn antechinus. 'Antechinus' is also translated from the Latin as 'mouse'. Another definition is 'broad-footed marsupial mice'. Sometimes, Fawn antechinus are referred to as mice with pouches. A biologist by the name Oldfield Thomas first discovered these animals in 1904 and gave the Fawn antechinus its binominal name, Antechinus Bellus, describing the Fawn as beautiful.
This member of the Antechinus family gets its name from its distinct light gray color, which is much paler than other members of this classification. Color can range between light gray and light brown. The Fawn Antechinus is small, weighing less than a pound. Young weigh as little as four grams, which is roughly equal to six teaspoons. One hundred grams is about three ounces; this means the young Fawn weighs about one ounce.
The animal's breeding season is in August with a gestation period of only thirty days. Young are born in September or October. It is not uncommon for several fathers to contribute to the litter. Once the breeding season is over, the males die. Most females die after producing only one litter. Litters can be as big as thirteen. Babies are weaned by the age of ninety-six days.
They are hunted by cats, predatory birds, and foxes and have a maximum life span of only three years.
Picture of the fawn antechinus by XiscoNL, licensed under GFDL
The Fawn antechinus is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
AustraliaSome facts about the
Fawn antechinus
Adult weight : 0.034 kg (0.0748 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 3 years
Female maturity :350 days
Gestation : 30 days
Weaning : 96 days
Litter size : 13
Interval between litters : 365 days

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