Burmeister's porpoise

Burmeister's porpoise

Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Phocoenidae
Species : Phocoena spinipinnis


The Black porpoise, burmeister's porpoise is listed as Data Deficient (DD), inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Namings for the Burmeister
A young / baby of a Burmeister is called a 'calf'. The females are called 'cow' and males 'bull'. A Burmeister group is called a 'school, crowd, herd or pod'.
Burmeister's porpoise habitats
Epipelagic (0-200m), Marine Neritic, Marine Oceanic and Pelagic

Facts about the Burmeister's porpoise

html Burmeister's Porpoise: Burmeister's Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) is a species of porpoise endemic to the coast of South America.

Warnings & CommentsThe Burmeister's porpoise, Phocoena spinipinnis, is endangered with a estimated current population of only 500 individuals.

Phocoena Species: spinipinnis Binomial name Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister's Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) is a species of porpoise endemic to the coast of South America.

Burmeister S Porpoise Burmeister's Porpoise Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister's Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) is a South America.

Burmeister's Porpoise or Phocoena spinipinnis is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Data Deficient . (Full text)

Burmeister's Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) is a species of porpoise endemic to the coast of South America. (Full text)

Black Porpoise or Phocoena spinipinnis is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Data Deficient .

Burmeister's Porpoise Burmeister's PorpoiseStatus Unknown Scientific Classification Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Cetacea Suborder:Odontoceti Family:Phocoenidae Genus:Phocoena Species:spinipinnis Binomial name Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister's Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) is a species of porpoise endemic to the coast of South America.

Burmeister's Porpoise Burmeister's Porpoise in the news Burmeister's Porpoise Scientific Classification :Animalia :Chordata :Mammalia :Cetacea :Odontoceti :Phocoenidae :Phocoena :spinipinnis Binomial name Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister's Porpoise range Burmeister's Porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis) is a species of porpoise endemic to the coast of South America. (Full text)

Habitat: Burmeister's Porpoise is found in shallow waters and estuaries.

[edit] Behaviour Burmeister's Porpoise is difficult to observe. (Wiki)

Behaviour Burmeister's Porpoise is difficult to observe. (Full text)

The Burmeister's Porpoise is a [CITIES-listed Endangered Species] (Full text)

Conservation Status: The Burmeister's Porpoise is common in local areas

The Burmeister's Porpoise is distinguished mainly by it's dorsal fin that points backwards and is located in the posterior third of the body, and doesn't exceed 6 cm in height.

Burmeister's Porpoise is another of the smaller species of this family.

Natural History Burmeister's porpoises are uniform grey dorsally, with lighter pigmentation ventrally.

[edit] Physical description Most photographs of Burmeister's Porpoises are taken of dead specimens and show the animal to be coloured black. (Wiki)

Physical description Most photographs of Burmeister's Porpoises are taken of dead specimens and show the animal to be coloured black. (Full text)

Burmeister's porpoises are dark coloured and have a distinctly-shaped dorsal fin, which rises at a low angle and ends in a blunt peak.

Burmeister's porpoises are distributed in coastal waters of South America, from southern Brazil, south to Cape Horn in Tierra del Fuego, and north to northern Peru. (Full text)

Burmeister's Porpoises are rarely seen in groups of more than eight individuals.

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