Order : Cetacea
Suborder : Odontoceti
Family : Phocoenidae
Animals in the family Phocoenidae |
Finless porpoise |
Harbor porpoise |
Vaquita |
Dall's porpoise |
Facts about the family Phocoenidae, the porpoises
The most deadly type of net for harbour porpoises is the bottom-set gill net; they are made of very fine mono-filament (single strand) nylon, which is virtually invisible and the porpoises cannot easily detect them with their echolocation.
A porpoise (suborder Odontoceti, family Phocoenidae) is distinct from a dolphin.
Both dolphins and porpoises are mammals.
Dolphins & Porpoises is available from Bestprices.
Dolphins and porpoises are found in every ocean of the world.
Dolphins and Porpoises is available from Bestprices.
How many Dall's porpoises are there?
NetworkPhocoenidae is not connected to the network.
o Identification Made Easy Packed with detailed information on behavior, species recognition and more, DK's Smithsonian Handbook of Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises is the clearest indentification
The dorsal fin (the fin on the back of the animal) in porpoises is also triangular, looking more like a shark.
The family Phocoenidae is rather small, and consists of only six members.
This identification handbook on whales, dolphins and porpoises is org This item non-returnable.
This member of the Phocoenidae is highly active and the only member to actually rush to a bow ride.
It said every year 7,000 porpoises are killed in Danish nets in the North Sea and 1,000 die in British nets designed to catch hake, cod and other fish. (Full text)
Edinburgh Evening News - UK - Porpoises are killed on shore (Full text)
Harbour porpoises are being killed in increasing numbers by bottlenose dolphins around British coasts, possibly due to competition for food. (Full text)
Publisher's NotePorpoises is a solid introduction to the ecology and conservation of this intriguing and threatened group of marine mammals whose biology predisposes them to conservation challenges. (Full text)
Synopsis From feeding and migration habits to pictorial guides, charts and diagrams, "Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises" is much more than a field guide. (Full text)
Part of the reason evil porpoises are so insidious is that they are masquerade so well as their cousins, intended porpoises (Full text)
Porpoises Dolphins and porpoises are toothed whales. (Full text)
About Cetaceans Approximately 78 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises are included in the Order Cetacea. (Full text)
Porpoises is a solid introduction to the ecology and conservation of this intriguing and threatened group of marine mammals whose biology predisposes them to conservation challenges. (Full text)