
The Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) goes by so many names, among them are Gulf of California Harbor Porpoise, Cochito and Gulf of California Porpoise. Most common however is Vaquita, a porpoise that weighs an average of 55 kgs. The females are a bit bigger. At a typical Vaquita's mouth are 34-40 teeth, with a slender physique. The Vaquitas' body (slender) is thought of to help heat dissipation.

One could see a Vaquita alone or with others. Just like other phocoenids, a Vaquita utilizes sonar to communicate and to move about. A Vaquita could be found at the Gulf of California in the undeep areas. They live in warm aquatic habitat. The Vaquita can stand the changes in temperature of the Gulf of California, which range from 14 to 36 degrees celsius. Their diet mainly consists of bony fish and squids.

They reach sexual maturity around 3 to 6 years, and they give birth seasonally. Gestation time frame is 10.6 months. The males engage in mating with as many of their females as they could. Ovulation of the female does not happen annually, thus, giving birth every year is not possible. At present, they are now categorized as critically endangered, just hundreds are still alive. These porpoises get entangled from fishing equipment, like the nets for shrimps.
These sea animals are also constantly at risk due to a case of mistaken identity, they are very similar to the size of a seabass-like called Totoabo, and the hunting for the latter remains present. As such, both kinds of animal are under threat.

The Cochito, gulf of california harbour porpoise, gulf of california porpoise, gulf porpoise, vaquita is listed as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species


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