Original source: South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) at Bristol Zoo Gardens, England. Taken by user Yummifruitbat in March 2005 using an Olympus C750UZ digital camera.
South American fur seal
Order : Carnivora
Family : Otariidae
Species : Arctocephalus australis
The South american fur seal, southern fur seal is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the South American fur seal
A young / baby of a South American fur seal is called a 'pup'. The females are called 'cow' and males 'bull'. A South American fur seal group is called a 'pod, colony, crash, flock, harem, bob, herd, rookery, team or hurd'.Countries
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Peru, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and UruguaySome facts about the
South American fur seal
Adult weight : 110 kg (242 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 31 years
Female maturity :1095 days
Male maturity : 2556 days
Gestation : 236 days
Weaning : 411 days
Litter size : 1
Litters per year : 1
Weight at birth : 4.25 kg (9.35 lbs)
Facts about the South American fur seal
Arctocephalus australis is on appendix 2 of the CITIES.
Can be confused with: The South American fur seal is the only otariid that regularly shares the range of this sea
Every year, hundreds of south american sea-lions and south american fur seals are killed along the Peruvian coast.
Female South American fur seals are not migratory.
Galapagos fur seals are much smaller, with a muzzle that, in comparison to that of South American fur seal, is very short and blunt.
Geographical Distribution: South American fur seals are widely distributed from central Peru, around the southern tip of
Here South American Fur Seal is a good possibility although their numbers have been declining rapidly.
Interactions Occasionally South American fur seals are caught in fishing nets, but this
on the feeding habits if the South American Fur Seal is made available here.
South American fur seals are also killed by sharks and killer whales.
South American fur seals are social mammals.
Status The South American fur seal is listed as an Appendix II species under
The otaria flavescens is bigger and has only one layer of thick hair, while the arctocephalus australis (South American fur seal) is a smaller animal with a second softer hair layer.
The South American Fur Seal Arctocephalus australis is also known as the Southern Fur Seal and as the Falkland Fur Seal.
Thousands of southern sea lions and South American fur seals are believed to have perished in Peru alone, leaving scientists wondering if the rookeries can battle back to full strength.
Threats: In Peru, South American fur seals are beaten to death with woodsticks mostly by fishermen.
Today, the South American fur seal is listed on Appendix II of CITES and commercial sealing continues only in Uruguay.
World Range & HabitatThe total estimated population of the South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, is between 300,000-450,000 ranging from PenÃnsula Paracas in southern Peru to the coasts Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil.
The South American Fur Seal Arctocephalus australis is also known as the Southern Fur Seal and as the Falkland Fur Seal. (Full text)
South American fur SealThe South American Fur Seals are known as Arctocephalus australis. (Full text)
The South American Fur Seal is actually two sub-species of seal found in South American waters. (Full text)
The South American fur seals are in a separate pool from the penguins: each area features beaches, rocky cliffs and a wave machine! (Full text)
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