Himantolophus albinares
Prickly anglerfish - The prickly anglerfish, Himantolophus appelii, is a footballfish of the family Himantolophidae, found around the world in the southern oceans , in deep water.
Himantolophus azurlucens
Himantolophus borealis
Himantolophus brevirostris
Himantolophus compressus
Himantolophus cornifer
Himantolophus crinitus
Himantolophus danae
Atlantic footballfish
Himantolophus macroceras
Himantolophus macroceratoides
Himantolophus mauli
Himantolophus melanolophus
Himantolophus multifurcatus
Himantolophus nigricornis
Himantolophus paucifilosus
Himantolophus pseudalbinares
Pacific footballfish