The bigeye houndshark, Iago omanensis, is a hound shark of the family Triakidae found on deep continental shelves in the western Indian Ocean from the Red Sea to southwestern India, between latitudes 30° N and 10° N, at depths of between 110 and 2,200 m.
The Bigeye hound shark lives in the bathydemersal, marine, depth range 110 - 2195 m environment.
Bigeye Hound Shark Iagotrematidae Ialomitzia Ialtris Cope, 1862 Ialtris agyrtes Schwartz and Rossman, 1976 Ialtris dorsalis (Günther, 1858) Ialtris parishi Cochran, 1932 Ialyssus Thomson, 1864 Ialyssus tuberculatus (Olivier, 1795) Iambrix Watson, 1893 Iambrix salsala (Mabille, 1866) - Chestnut Bob Iambrix stellifer (Butler, 1879) - More
Bigeye Hound Shark ( Iago omanensis ) Bigeye Ilisha ( Ilisha megaloptera ) Bigeye Ilisha ( Ilisha megaloptera ) Bigeye Scad ( Selar crumenopthalmus ) Bigeye Seaperch ( Lutjanus lineolatus ) Bigeye Snapper ( Lutjanus lutjanus More
Bigeye hound shark - Iago omanensis Bigeye thresher shark - Alopias superciliosus Bigeyed sixgill shark - Hexanchus nakamurai Bignose shark - Carcharhinus altimus Blackbelly lantern shark - Etmopterus lucifer Blackfin gulper shark - Centrophorus isodon Blackgill cat shark More
Bigeye hound shark in English
bigeye houndshark in English
Cazón ojigrande in Spanish (español)
Grootoog-hondhaai in Afrikaans
Grootoogvaalhaai in Dutch (Nederlands)
Iago omanensis in French (français)
ralok lovec arabský in Czech (česky)
Requin-h‚ à gros yeux in French (français)
Requin-hâ à gros yeux in French (français)
Žralok lovec arabský in Czech (česky)
大眼前鰭皺唇鯊 in Mandarin Chinese
大眼前鳍皱唇鲨 in Mandarin Chinese