African sawtail catshark

The African sawtail catshark, Galeus polli, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found from southern Morocco to Namibia, at depths of between 200 and 720 m.

The African sawtail catshark lives in the bathydemersal, marine, depth range 200 - 720 m , usually 300 - 500 m environment.

The African sawtail catshark, Galeus polli, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found from southern Morocco to Namibia, at depths of between 200 and 720 m. Its length is up to 45 cm. More

The African Sawtail Catshark is found from southern Morocco to Namibia, at depths of between 650 and 2,360 feet. Catsharks are so named for their slender bodies and cat-like eyes. Despite being the largest family of sharks, Catsharks are relatively unknown. More

Common names

African sawtail cat shark in English
African sawtail catshark in English
Afrikaanse zaagstaartkathaai in Dutch (Nederlands)
Chien espagnol in French (français)
Chien râpe in French (français)
Golayo in Spanish (español)
Pintarroja africana in Spanish (español)
西非鋸尾鯊 in Mandarin Chinese
西非锯尾鲨 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Galeus polli has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Carcharhiniformes
Family : Scyliorhinidae
Genus : Galeus
Species : Galeus polli
Authority : Cadenat, 1959