Atlantic ghost catshark

Picture of the Atlantic ghost catshark has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution.
Original source: Author Daniel Moore
Author: Daniel Moore Licensing This file is licensed under the

The Atlantic ghost catshark lives in the bathydemersal, marine, depth range 560 - 1462 m environment.

The Atlantic ghost catshark, Apristurus atlanticus, is a cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found only from the Canary Islands. The only specimen, and holotype, was taken from 1,365 m. Its length is 25 cm. More

No image of Atlantic Ghost catshark found in the Shark Database Range Map Earth Map Systematics Phylum: Vertebates (Chordata) Class: Carlilagenous Fishes (Chondrichthyes) Order: Ground sharks (Carcharhiniformes) More

The Atlantic Ghost Catshark is a deepwater species, endemic to the Atlantic Ocean, at depths between 1,830 and 4,800 feet. Catsharks are so named for their slender bodies and cat-like eyes. Despite being the largest family of sharks, Catsharks are relatively unknown. More

Vote - to decrease this item's ranking Atlantic Ghost Catshark at 9.8 inches Report Abuse 0 points - added 5 months ago by Soundend - 10. Vote + to improve this item's ranking Vote - to decrease this item's ranking Broadnose Catshark at 10. More

Common names

Apristurus atlanticus in Catalan (Català)
Apristurus laurussonii in French (français)
Atlantic ghost cat shark in English
Atlantic ghost catshark in English
Atlantische spookkathaai in Dutch (Nederlands)
Cat shark in English
Flathead cat shark in English
Gíslaháfur in Icelandic (Íslenska)
Holbiche atlantique in French (français)
Iceland cat shark in English
Iceland catshark in English
Icelandic catshark in English
Ijslandse kathaai in Dutch (Nederlands)
Madeira catshark in English
Medeira shark in English
Pejegato atlántico in Spanish (español)
Pejegato de Madera in Spanish (español)
Pejegato islándico in Spanish (español)
Pintarroja atlántica in Spanish (español)
Roussette d'Islande in French (français)
Roussette de Madère in French (français)
冰岛光尾鲨 in Mandarin Chinese
冰島光尾鯊 in Mandarin Chinese
大西洋光尾鯊 in Mandarin Chinese
大西洋光尾鲨 in Mandarin Chinese
馬德拉光尾鯊 in Mandarin Chinese
马德拉光尾鲨 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Apristurus laurussonii has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Carcharhiniformes
Family : Scyliorhinidae
Genus : Apristurus
Species : Apristurus laurussonii
Authority : Saemundsson, 1922