Shortfin saury - The Shortfin saury lizardfish which is also known as Saurida argentea is a type of lizardfish or Synodontidae that lives mainly in the Western Pacific
Brazilian lizardfish - The Brazilian lizardfish which is also known as Saurida brasiliensis is a type of lizardfish or Synodontidae that lives mainly in the Eastern Atlantic
Smallscale lizardfish - The Smallscale lizardfish which is also known as Saurida caribbaea is a type of lizardfish or Synodontidae that lives mainly in the Western Atlantic
Slender lizardfish - The Slender lizardfish which is also known as Saurida elongata is a type of lizardfish or Synodontidae that lives mainly in the Northwest Pacific.
Shortjaw saury - The Shortjaw saury is a type of Lizardfish that lives mainly in the pacific
Longfin lizardfish - The Longfin Lizardfish is a type of Lizardfish that lives mainly in the Indian Ocean
Shortfin lizardfish - The Saurida microlepis is a type of Lizardfish that lives across the oceans of the world.
Shortjaw lizardfish - The Shortjaw lizardfish which is also known as the Saurida normani is a type of Lizardfish that lives mainly in lives in tropical waters
Saurida pseudotumbil - Saurida pseudotumbil are a type of Lizard Fish Synodontidae that live primarily off the coast of India.
Suspicious lizardfish - The Suspicious lizardfish also known as Saurida suspicio is a type of Lizardfish that lives mainly in the Caribbean
Saury - The Brushtooth lizardfish which is also known as Saurida undosquamis is a type of Lizardfish that lives mainly in the red sea region.
Wanieso lizardfish - The Wanieso lizardfish is a type of lizardfish also known as Saurida wanieso that lives in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans .