Gummy shark meat is often marketed as flake.
The Gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) is found in the south of Australia. It is a slender shark, grey and with white spots along its body. They can also be bronze or greenish with a white belly, and the characteristic spots. This shark measures approximately 157 cm long, for males, and 175 cm for females; in this species the female seems to be larger. This species is not endangered and is cataloged as of "least concern" in the endangered species chart. In the shark family, it belongs to the Trikidae. This type of shark reproduces by oviviparity - when species embryos are in eggs, but they are kept inside the mother until they are ready to hatch. They give birth in the months of October -December. Mothers can give birth to as many as 40 babies, known as "pups;" however, they can also carry one. The average of pups is about 14. Mother sharks are pregnant for twelve months. The Gummy shark eats mostly crustaceans, small fish, squid, octopus, and marine worms.
One characteristic of the Gummy shark is that the second dorsal fin is as big or almost as big as the first fin. The fins are also rounded at the top. It also has whiskers near each nostril. These two characteristics differentiate it from school sharks since they tend to look alike, and sometimes, fishermen might get the species mixed up due to their close resemblance - this is one reason why the restriction for fishing is two fish for both species combined, whether a school fish or a gummy shark. Another way is by looking at their teeth; the gummy shark has flat teeth while the other species has small sharp teeth.
This shark has become popular as cuisine; its meat is known as flake. Australian cuisine benefits from the boneless filets, which are also great served as fish and chips - a popular and delicious plate. The meat is sweet and delicious and it can be done barbecued, baked, poached, or braised. This fish has not been endangered or over-fished due to the restrictions that have been established - only two are allowed and with a minimum size of 45 cm. However, this limit of two applies to Gummy sharks and /or school sharks, whether they are fished whole or as partial carcasses - since gummy sharks and school sharks can be found together in the same waters. This has kept the population from being endangered.
The Gummy shark can be found deep in the sea as far as 400 meters and their life span can be as long as 16 years. It seems that the biggest predator of this shark is human. Before the fishing laws and restrictions in effect, this shark was being over fished due to its meat being so marketable and tasty.