Meadow jumping mouse
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Dipodidae
Subfamily : Zapodinae
Species : Zapus hudsonius
The Meadow jumping mouse is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the meadow jumping mouse
A young / baby of a meadow jumping mouse is called a 'pinkie, kitten or pup'. The females are called 'doe' and males 'buck'. A meadow jumping mouse group is called a 'nest, colony, harvest, horde or mischief'.Some facts about the
Meadow jumping mouse
Adult weight : 0.018 kg (0.0396 lbs)
Maximum longevity : 6 years
Female maturity :61 days
Male maturity : 61 days
Gestation : 19 days
Weaning : 28 days
Litter size : 6
Litters per year : 2
Weight at birth : 0.001 kg (0.0022 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 0.008 kg (0.0176 lbs)
Body mass : 0.026 kg (0.0572 lbs)
Facts about the meadow jumping mouse
" One point of controversy has been whether the Preble's meadow jumping mouse is a distinct subspecies.
A zapodid skull, Zapus hudsonius, is presented in Figure 4 for comparison.
Family ZAPODIDAE The Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius) is an uncommon inhabitant of mesic meadows.
Found in the East, Midwest, Canada and Alaska, Zapus hudsonius is statewide in Pennsylvania.
Meadow Jumping Mouse or Zapus hudsonius is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Lower Risk/Least Concern .
One reviewer stated that the limited genetic data available is ``enough to suggest (consistent with the prevailing taxonomic review of the genus Zapus by Krutsch,1954) that Zapus hudsonius is distinct from the western jumping mouse, Z.
Recent trapping surveys suggest the Preble's meadow jumping mouse is in decline.
REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS and REQUIREMENTS| Mating behavior and type of parental care in Zapus hudsonius is unreported.
Rob Roy Ramey, has concluded that the Preble's meadow jumping mouse is not a distinct subspecies.
The meadow jumping mouse is also found in damp meadows across the continent.
The Preble's meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei), a subspecies of the meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius) is known to occur only in portions of Colorado and Wyoming.
Typical habitat for the Prebles meadow jumping mouse is comprised of well-developed plains riparian vegetation with adjacent, relatively undisturbed grassland communities and a
USFWS Refuges on which the Preble's meadow jumping mouse is reported.
One reviewer stated that the limited genetic data available is ``enough to suggest (consistent with the prevailing taxonomic review of the genus Zapus by Krutsch,1954) that Zapus hudsonius is distinct from the western jumping mouse, Z. (Full text)
The Meadow Jumping Mouse is from the order Rodentia. (Full text)
The meadow jumping mouse is found from Alaska across Canada, and south in the United States to northern Colorado, northeastern Oklahoma, eastern Alabama, and South Carolina. (Full text)
Preble's meadow jumping mouse is known to exist in four counties in Colorado and two in Wyoming, but it is not known to be present in five other counties in Colorado and three counties in Wyoming where previously documented. (Full text)
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