The White-eared Opossum is a part of the genus Didelphis which has five other species of opossum. Didelphis belongs to the subfamily Didelphinae which has fifteen other genus of opossums, and the subfamily Didelphinae belongs to the family Didelphidae which has one other subfamily of opossum. Finally the family belongs to what is called the "Common Opossums" or Didelphimorphia, an order in the Marsupialia infraclass.
The White-eared Opossum does have a set breeding period from September to May, with the variant being mostly the rainfall pattern. Like all marsupials, the offspring are born very small and must climb to the mother’s pouch after just a short time in gestation (pregnancy). Within 46 days after climbing into the pouch they will be ready to venture for short times outside of it. The usual litter size is around four to six opossums, however some have had larger, and some have had smaller, as is the case with any animal species. They quickly mature and can mate at nine months of age.
Interesting Facts about the White-eared Opossum:
- The digestion cycle allows for seeds to remain viable after excretion, making the opossum responsible for dispersal of seeds which helps to further the fauna of an area
- The White-eared Opossum has been shown to carry Sarcocystis, a possible but small threat to humans - usually found only in undercooked meat. It is a protist like malaria, so when contracted can be very harmful.
- If it is scared it can play dead, and in so doing will be involuntarily catatonic for up to four hours, and will also excrete a smell from a gland that will normally ward off a predator.
Picture of the white-eared opossum by Abinoam Praxedes Marques Jr., licensed under GFDL
Keywords: white
The White-eared opossum is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the whiteeared opossum
A young / baby of a whiteeared opossum is called a 'joey'. The females are called 'jill' and males 'jack'.Countries
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and VenezuelaSome facts about the
White-eared opossum
Adult weight : 0.904 kg (1.9888 lbs)
Female maturity :365 days
Male maturity : 365 days
Gestation : 12 days
Weaning : 117 days
Litter size : 5
Litters per year : 1
Interval between litters : 260 days

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