The Bighead sculpin lives in the demersal, freshwater, depth range 70 - 130 m , usually 70 - m environment.
requires, Batrachocottus baicalensis, the Bighead Sculpin, is one of the fish of Lake Baikal. It belongs to the Family: Cottocomephoridae (Bighead sculpins) in the Order: Scorpaeniformes. More
Bighead sculpin, Big-headed sculpin Zones temp�r�es bathydémersal Colone d'eau : entre -100 et -130 mètres Eau douce Eau saumâtre Eau de mer Température de l'eau : 4 à 20°C More
Big-headed sculpin in English
Bighead sculpin in English
Bol'shegolovaya shirokolobka in Russian (русский язык)
Großköpfige Baikalgroppe in German (Deutsch)
байкальская большеголовая широколобк&# in Russian (русский язык)
байкальская большеголовая широколобка in Russian (русский язык)
широколобка большеголовая in Russian (русский язык)
蛙头杜父鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
蛙頭杜父魚 in Mandarin Chinese