Round-nosed sculpin

The Round-nosed sculpin lives in the demersal, marine, depth range 0 - 13 m environment.

Round-nosed sculpin, Smoothhead sculpin, Smooth-head sculpin Zones subtropicales bathydémersal Colone d'eau : entre -0 et -13 mètres Eau douce Eau saumâtre Eau de mer Pêcherie Appâts More

Round-Nosed Sculpin, Smooth-Head Sculpin, Smoothhead Sculpin Common Names in Mandarin Chinese: 光首阿氏杜父魚, 光首阿氏杜父魚, 光首阿氏杜父鱼 Common Names in Polish: Ar Bokoluski Common Names in Spanish: Charrasco Cabeza Lisa More

Common names

Ar bokoluski in Polish (polski)
charrasco cabeza lisa in Spanish (español)
Round-nosed sculpin in English
Smooth-head sculpin in English
smoothhead sculpin in English
光首阿氏杜父魚 in Mandarin Chinese
光首阿氏杜父鱼 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Scorpaeniformes
Family : Cottidae
Genus : Artedius
Species : Artedius lateralis
Authority : Girard, 1854