Arhynchobatis - The longtail skate, Arhynchobatis asperrimus is a skate, the only member of the genus Arhynchobatis, found around New Zealand at depths of from 90 to 1,000 m on the continental shelf.
Atlantoraja - Atlantoraja is a genus of fish in the Rajidae family.
Raja - The title has a long history in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, being attested from the Rigveda, where a rājān- is a tribal chief, see for example the , the "battle of ten kings".
Rostroraja - The bottlenose skate, spearnose skate, or white skate, Rostroraja alba, is a species of skate in the family Rajidae, and the sole member of its genus.
Sympterygia - Sympterygia is a genus of fish in the Arhynchobatidae family.