Arctic flounder

The Arctic flounder lives in the demersal, freshwater, brackish, marine environment.

Arctic Flounder, Pleuronectes glacialis Arctic flounders are long-lived fish that can be found almost anywhere in the marine waters of the Arctic. More

esculentum, doesn't balk at the thought of Arctic flounder genes in his tomatoes. "Very Provencal, fish and tomatoes," he said. More

an arctic flounder, of a liver-brown color, about a foot long. More

Arctic Flounder live in the extremely cold waters of the arctic and have an anti-freeze in their blood to keep them from freezing. More

included a modified gene from a breed of arctic flounder that, it was hoped, would allow the tomatoes to be more resistant to frost and cold storage. Activists decried these so-called "fish tomatoes," protesting their entry into our food supply. More

As their name suggests, arctic flounder live in frigid water. The fish have a gene that helps them resist the cold. That gene sounds perfect for tomatoes, which are vulnerable to frosts. That's where genetic engineering (GE) enters the picture. More

The Arctic flounder uniquely evolved through time to thrive in freezing waters. It's safe to say that, until recently, this fish has never had any contact with tomatoes. And tomatoes have never considered the flounder a partner in procreation. More

Common names

Arctic flounder in English
Dal'nevostochnaya gladkaya kambala in Russian (русский язык)
Far Eastern smooth flounder in English
Polosataya kambala in Russian (русский язык)
Striped flounder in English
Tôgarei in Japanese (日本語)
条纹光鲽 in Mandarin Chinese
條紋光鰈 in Mandarin Chinese
호수가자미 in Korean (한국어)

Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Pleuronectidae
Genus : Liopsetta
Species : Liopsetta pinnifasciata
Authority : Kner, 1870