Fine flounder

It is a medium sized flatfish, growing up to 70 cm in length, with females typically being larger than males.

The Fine flounder lives in the demersal, marine environment.

The Fine flounder (Paralichthys adspersus) is a species of large-tooth flounder native to the eastern Pacific Ocean, along the continental shelf from the coast of Ecuador in the north to the coast of Peru in the south. More

for now, but some fine flounder fishing can still be had! New Jersey regulations tell us that we’re allowed a bag limit of 8 fish at 16.5-inches or larger, from a time period between May 6 and October 9. More

Common names

Fine flounder in English
Flounder in English
Hunboruto-hirame in Japanese (日本語)
Lenguado in sp
Lenguado in Spanish (español)
Lenguado fino in Spanish (español)
камбала-ленгуадо in Russian (русский язык)
多耙牙鮃 in Mandarin Chinese
多耙牙鲆 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Paralichthys adspersus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific Online Information System
-Phillipe B-Author: Phillipe B
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Paralichthyidae
Genus : Paralichthys
Species : Paralichthys adspersus
Authority : Steindachner, 1867