Lord Howe Island flounder

* Lord Howe Island flounder, Crossorhombus howensis (Hensley & Randall, 1993). * Crossorhombus kanekonis (Tanaka, 1918). * Kobe flounder, Crossorhombus kobensis (Jordan & Starks, 1906). More

* Lord Howe Island flounder, Crossorhombus howensis Hensley & Randall, 1993. * Crossorhombus kanekonis (Tanaka, 1918). More

Lord Howe Island flounder - Crossorhombus howensis Kobe flounder - Crossorhombus kobensis Broadbrow flounder - Crossorhombus valderostratus Mexican flounder - Cyclopsetta chittendeni Spotfin flounder - Cyclopsetta fimbriata God's flounder - Cyclopsetta panamensis Toothed flounder - Cyclopsetta querna More

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Common names

Broad-forehead flounder in English
Cháng bì yīng píng in Mandarin Chinese
Ko-be-dung-gǔl-nǒp-ch'i in Korean (한국어)
Kobe flounder in English
Kôbedarumagarei in Japanese (日本語)
Koube-daruma-garei in Japanese (日本語)
Lord Howe Island flounder in English
扁魚 in Mandarin Chinese
扁鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
皇帝魚 in Mandarin Chinese
皇帝鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
長臂纓鮃 in Mandarin Chinese
长臂缨鲆 in Mandarin Chinese
霍文纓鮃 in Mandarin Chinese
霍文缨鲆 in Mandarin Chinese
高本纓鮃 in Mandarin Chinese
高本缨鲆 in Mandarin Chinese
고베둥글넙치 in Korean (한국어)

Picture of Crossorhombus kobensis has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
-FAO -Author: FAO
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Bothidae
Genus : Crossorhombus
Species : Crossorhombus kobensis
Authority : Hensley and Randall, 1993