The Camotillo lives in the reef-associated, marine, depth range 10 - 75 m environment.
Pincelar cada camotillo con esta mezcla. Precalentar el horno 300 More
What region of Peru is Camotillo from, and what is any other info about this dessert? = Hi! I'm making Camotillo, which is a Peruvian sweet potato dessert. I need to write a short paragraph on it. More
Camotillo / Sweet Potato Dessert or Manjarblanco for filling Vegetable oil Confectioners sugar Cinnamon Directions:Peel yuccas and cook in water together with squash, salt and aniseed. More
cabrilla in sp
Camotillo in English
Camotillo in Spanish (español)
comotillo in sp
Mancha in sp
Sand-bass in English
白斑副鱸 in Mandarin Chinese
白斑副鲈 in Mandarin Chinese