Johnston Island damsel

The Johnston Island damsel lives in the reef-associated, non-migratory, marine, depth range 1 - 18 m environment.

COMMON NAMES: Johnston Island Damsel, Johnston Damsel, Blue-eye Damsel; German Johnstons Riffbarsch; French Demoiselle de Johnston TRADITIONAL NAMES: Katoti (RR AK) GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION: NATIVE e.Africa - Pitcairn, Hawai‘i; n. to s.Japan; s. More

Common names

'Atoti in Tahitian (Reo Mā`ohi)
Blue-eye damsel in English
Breëbalk-nooientjie in Afrikaans
Guru in Fijian (vosa Vakaviti)
Johnston damsel in English
Johnston Island damsel in English
Johnston island damselfish in English
Rurime-ishigaki-suzumedai in Japanese (日本語)
Tu'u'u-'iuuli in Samoan (gagana fa'a Samoa)
widebar damsel in English
尾斑椒雀鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
尾斑椒雀鲷 in Mandarin Chinese
約島固曲齒鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
约岛固曲齿鲷 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Perciformes
Family : Pomacentridae
Genus : Plectroglyphidodon
Species : Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus
Authority : Fowler and Ball,1924