The Black spot snapper lives in the reef-associated, marine, depth range 20 - 200 m , usually 80 - 150 m environment.
Nothing known about the Black spot snapper
Allnegra in Spanish (español)
black spot snapper in English
Blackfin red snapper in English
blackfin snapper in English
Boca negra in Portuguese (Português)
Boucanelle in French (français)
Cala di hundu in Papiamento
Cala pretu in Papiamento
Chillo oreja negra in Spanish (español)
Gun-mouth blackfin in English
Gun-mouth snapper in English
Lucjan bukanela in Polish (polski)
Negra in English
Negra in Portuguese (Português)
Negra in Spanish (español)
Oreille noire in Creole, French
Oreille noire in Creoles and Pidgins, French
Oreille noire in French (français)
Oreilles noires in French (français)
Pargo in Portuguese (Português)
Pargo in Spanish (español)
Pargo boca-negra in Portuguese (Português)
Pargo boca-preta in Portuguese (Português)
Pargo cifre in Spanish (español)
Pargo legitimo in Spanish (español)
Pargo orejita negra in Spanish (español)
Pargo sesí in Spanish (español)
Redfish in English
Schnapper in German (Deutsch)
Sese in Other
Sesí in Spanish (español)
Sesi de lo alto in English
Snapper in English
Snapper in German (Deutsch)
Sortfinnet snapper in Danish (dansk)
Svartfenad snapper in Swedish (Svenska)
Vermelho in Portuguese (Português)
Vermelho boca-negra in Portuguese (Português)
Vermelho-de-fundo in Portuguese (Português)
Vivaneau oreille noire in French (français)
Wrenchman in English
Zorèy nwè in Creole, French
Zorèy nwè in Creoles and Pidgins, French
луциан черноперый in Russian (русский язык)
黑鰭笛鯛 in Mandarin Chinese
黑鳍笛鲷 in Mandarin Chinese