Belted blenny

The Belted blenny lives in the reef-associated, marine, depth range 0 - 5 m environment.

Belted blenny, Ribbon prickleback Zones temp�r�es bathydémersal Eau douce Eau saumâtre Eau de mer Pêcherie Appâts Aquariophilie More

Common names

Belted blenny in English
Blenny in English
Trambollito de cintuón in Spanish (español)
Trambollo in sp
紋腹軟梳鳚 in Mandarin Chinese
紋腹軟梳鳚 in Unknown
纹腹软梳鳚 in Mandarin Chinese
纹腹软梳鳚 in Unknown

Order : Perciformes
Family : Labrisomidae
Genus : Malacoctenus
Species : Malacoctenus zonogaster
Authority : Heller & Snodgrass,1903