Malpelo wrasse

The Malpelo wrasse lives in the reef-associated, marine, depth range 10 - 10 m environment.

the Malpelo Wrasse (STRI), Rubinoff’s Triplefin (STRI), the Malpelo Barnacle Blenny (STRI), and the Pretty Goby (STRI). Butterflies restricted to Colombia include Reliquia santamarta (, Anthirraea isabelae (Gonzalo-Andrade C.), Actinote iguaquensis (Gonzalo-Andrade C. More

Common names

doncella in sp
Doncella malpelo in Spanish (español)
Donzelle de malpelo in French (français)
Malpelo wrasse in English
señorita in sp
Wrasse in English
玛尔海猪鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
玛尔海猪鱼 in Unknown
瑪爾海豬魚 in Mandarin Chinese
瑪爾海豬魚 in Unknown

Picture of Halichoeres malpelo has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Perciformes
Family : Labridae
Genus : Halichoeres
Species : Halichoeres malpelo
Authority : Allen and Robertson, 1992