Aulonocara aquilonium - Aulonocara aquilonium is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Nkhomo-benga peacock - The nkhomo-benga peacock is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Aulonocara brevinidus - Aulonocara brevinidus is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Aulonocara brevirostre - Aulonocara brevirostre is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Chitande aulonocara - It is endemic to Malawi.
Aulonocara gertrudae - Aulonocara gertrudae is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Emperor cichlid - Aulonocara guentheri is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Aulonocara Fort Maguire - It is found in Malawi and Mozambique.
Night aulonocara - It is endemic to Malawi.
Fairy cichlid - It is endemic to Malawi.
Aulonocara chizumulu - It is endemic to Malawi.
Greenface aulonocara - It is found in Malawi and Tanzania.
Pale Usisya aulonocara - It is endemic to Malawi.
Aulonocara stonemani - Aulonocara stonemani is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family.
Flavescent peacock - It is found in Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania.