The notchheaded marblefish, Aplodactylus etheridgii, is a marblefish of the genus Aplodactylus, found between North Cape and East Cape on the North Island of New Zealand, in depths down to 40 m.
The Notchheaded marblefish lives in the reef-associated, marine environment.
The notchheaded marblefish, Aplodactylus etheridgii, is a marblefish of the genus Aplodactylus, found between North Cape and East Cape on the North Island of New Zealand, in depths down to 40 m. Their length is between 35 and 40 cm. More
Notch-head marblefish in English
Notchheaded marblefish in English
埃氏鷹 in Mandarin Chinese
埃氏鹰 in Mandarin Chinese