Elongate smooth-head

The Elongate smooth-head lives in the bathypelagic, marine, depth range 1000 - 2200 m environment.

* Elongate Smooth-head Conocara microlepis * Longfin Smooth-head Conocara macropterum opahs, crestfishes, ribbonfishes, and oarfish * Opah Lampris guttatus * Kaup's Arrowtooth Eel Synaphobranchus kaupii More

* Elongate smooth-head, Conocara microlepis (Lloyd, 1909). * Murray's smooth-head, Conocara murrayi (Koefoed, 1927). * Conocara nigrum (Günther, 1878). More

Common names

Elongate slickhead in English
Elongate smooth-head in English
小鱗錐首魚 in Mandarin Chinese
小鳞锥首鱼 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Osmeriformes
Family : Alepocephalidae
Genus : Conocara
Species : Conocara microlepis
Authority : Lloyd, 1909