It is found in deep subtropical and tropical waters around the world, living at depths during the day and making nightly vertical migrations to feed on plankton.
The Sticklebacks lives in the bathypelagic, marine environment.
An unusual features of sticklebacks is that they have no scales, although some species have bony armour plates. They are related to pipefish and seahorses. Stickleback species are found in fresh water environments in Europe, Asia and North America. More
sticklebacks, it is widely believed that morphologically similar populations in different watersheds or on different continents evolved independently. There is a unique population in the meromictic Pink Lake in Gatineau Park, Quebec. More
Sticklebacks have long been a model system for sexual selection research. Some of Tinbergen’s earliest work explored color and courtship behavior in sticklebacks and a huge body of work has been devoted to sexual selection in sticklebacks. More
Six species of sticklebacks can be found in North America. Three of the species live in Michigan’s waters. The brook (five-spined) stickleback (Culaea inconstans) prefers cold and semi-clean water habitat. More
Sticklebacks feed on smaller invertebrates and on the fry and eggs of other fish. Best known are the common stickleback, Eucalia inconstans, a coastal species, and the brook stickleback, a smaller freshwater variety. More
Sticklebacks are enormously varied, so much so that in the 19th century naturalists had counted about 50 different species. But since then, biologists have realized most populations are recent descendants of marine sticklebacks. More
SticklebackSticklebacks are small, scaleless fish with spines in front of the dorsal (back) fin. They grow to approximately 2 to 4 inches. More
Sticklebacks prove to be 'geniuses of the fish world'. Close Set up an RSS feed that alerts you when new articles from Europe Intelligence Wire are available. More
Sticklebacks are the most important single species of stillwater trout food, espcecially for big, predatory trout such as those in Oregon's Crane Prairie. Here are two new patterns to try out. More
Sticklebacks show human-like intelligence when searching for food = Nine-spined sticklebacks prove it's not the size of your brain that matters, it's what you do with it * Buzz up! * Digg it More
evolution" in sticklebacks residing in Lake Washington. The basic story is that as Lake Washington was cleaned of its pollution sticklebacks went from being low plated... More
the lakes closed, leaving the sticklebacks in each lake marooned and isolated. And so the animals stuck there began evolving to live exclusively in freshwater. More
Pillar-eyed thread-tail in English
sticklebacks in English
Stylephoridae in Italian (Italiano)
Stylephorus chordatus in German (Deutsch)
Stylephorus chordatus in Hungarian (Magyar)
thread-tail in English
Trådhalefisk in Danish (dansk)
tube eye in English
tube-eye in English
tubeye in English
鞭尾魚 in Mandarin Chinese
鞭尾鱼 in Mandarin Chinese