The Norwegian pollock lives in the benthopelagic, marine environment.
The Norwegian pollock (Theragra finnmarchica), a rare fish of Norwegian waters, may actually be the same species as the Alaska pollock. More
identify the Norwegian pollock within the walleye pollock species cluster. Furthermore, the Norwegian pollock sequences were most similar to mitochondrial genotypes present in walleye pollock specimens from the Sea of Japan, an observation supported both by neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses. More
Norwegian pollock represent one single species and that Norwegian pollock has been recently introduced from the Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans. More
Alaskan pollocks in English
Berlevågsfisk in Norwegian (Norsk)
Berlevågtorsk in Danish (dansk)
Colín de Noruega in Spanish (español)
Lieu de Norvège in French (français)
Norwegian pollock in English
Theragra in Norwegian (Norsk)
Theragra in Swedish (Svenska)
Theragra Lucas in Jordan and Evermann, 1898 in Norwegian (Norsk)
挪威狭鳕 in Mandarin Chinese
挪威狹鱈 in Mandarin Chinese