Genus Xiphophorus


Chiapas swordtail - Growing to a maximum length of around 7.


Yellow swordtail - Gender:


Platy Monterrey - IUCN lists the Monterrey platyfish, formerly widespread in Mexico, as Critically Endangered, upgraded from Endangered in 1996.


Northern platyfish - Its natural habitat is a hot spring heated by volcanic activity, in Santa Tecla, Mexico.

Green swordtail - Male swordtails are aggressive towards each other, so they must be kept singly or in groups of five or more.

Platy - The southern platyfish grows to a maximum overall length of 6.

Variegated platy - The variable platyfish grows to a maximum overall length of 7.

Order : Cyprinodontiformes
Family : Poeciliidae
Genus : Xiphophorus