Galagos and lesser bushbabies

Galagos and lesser bushbabies

Order : Primates
Family : Galagonidae
Genus : Galago


Animals in the genus Galago

Allen's squirrel galago
Senegal galago
Facts about the genus Galago, the galagos and lesser bushbabies

Galago is one of the genera in the family Galagonidae, as well as the name for all of the creatures in that family.

galago_bool galago_is_initted (void) Returns whether or not Galago has been initialized. (Full text)

00076 00082 void galago_uninit(void); 00083 00089 galago_bool galago_is_initted(void); 00090 (Full text)

Galago Galago in the news See textGalago is one of the genera in the family Galagonidae, as well as the name for all of the creatures in that family.

Animal Description: Unlike its smaller cousin the Bushbaby, the Greater Galago is not a tree dweller.

6963seconds Galago is currently not defined Login: User Name: (Full text)

Galago is a project designed to provide presence to the Linux desktop. (Full text)

At adulthood, this species of galagos is about the size of a small house cat.

The Needle-clawed galagos is the only galagos that does not urine wash; probably the claws get in the way?

Even at night, the wild pulse of Africa and its wildlife is mesmerizing when the nocturnal orchestra of owls, bats and galagos is punctuated by the primeval sounds of lion and hyena. (Full text)

Rio Galagos is overigens de meest zuidelijke stad van het continent.

" Prince (and Future King) Galagos Alancee: Galagos is the arrogant son of King Vordeaux.

it is so cute that the pet trade in galagos is a real problem,) and it usually gets around on the surface by hopping like a small kangaroo, although it does most of its travel swiftly from tree to tree like other primates.

Even at night the wild pulse of Africa is mesmerizing when the nocturnal orchestra of owls, bats and galagos is punctuated by the roar of a lion and the haunting laugh of an hyena.

Join Date: Feb 2003 Location: 4 AM Posts: 5,343 Re: we have reached a verdict Galagos is overrated.

Geese, Goats, and Galagos is an insider's account of many of the personalities and controversies that have accompanied the development of animal behavior studies from a mere branch of ecology or psychology into an independent discipline. (Full text)

Galagos are prosimians, a group of arboreal primates that are only distantly related to monkeys and apes.

The skulls of galagos are lightly built with a globular braincase and without strongly developed temporal ridges. (Full text)

Male Thick tailed Galagos are a lot bigger then female ones (Full text)

Lorises, pottos, and galagos are closely related to lemurs; tarsiers are only distantly related. (Full text)

Lorisinae - Galagos Galagos are found in the tropical rainforests of Africa, from the Guinea Coast to the Congo river and to the edge of the Rift Valley.

Galagos are attractive gray, brown, or reddish- or yellowish-brown animals with large eyes and ears, long hind legs, soft wooly fur, and long tails.

Facts: Galagos are prosimians, which are a group of arboreal primates only distantly related to monkeys and apes.

Galagos are renowned for their leaping abilities.

, and galagos ) are members of the Infraorder Lorisiformes (Full text)

The lesser bushbabies are the common name for the strepsirrhine (Wiki)

Although many Lesser Bushbabies are solitary, groups of two to three animals are .

German : Südliches Galago Lesser bushbabies are about the size of a small chipmunk.

Habitat: Lesser bushbabies are found throughout Central Southern Africa.

Lesser bushbabies are not considered a conservation risk at this time. (Full text)

Lesser Bushbabies are not truly gregarious as adults will forage alone.

Lesser bushbabies are more lively than the thick-tailed bushbaby, and also spend relatively more time in trees: they are known for their spectacular leaping abilities. (Full text)

The lesser bushbabies are the common name for the strepsirrhine primates in the genus Galago.

The Greater Bushbabies, about twice the size of the Lesser Bushbabies, are around 40cm long with an equally long tail. (Full text)

Lesser Bushbabies are arboreal in habit.

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