Bamboo rats

Bamboo rats

Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Hystricognathi
Family : Echimyidae
Subfamily : Dactylomyinae


Facts about the subfamily Dactylomyinae, the bamboo rats

Cannomys badius The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the family Rhizomyidae.

Bamboo rat Bamboo rat in the news Bamboo Rats :Eukaryota :Animalia :Chordata :Mammalia :Rodentia Genera:Rhizomys' Cannomys Species Rhizomys sinensis Rhizomys pruinosus Rhizomys sumatrensis Cannomys badius The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the family Rhizomyidae.

Bamboo Rat Bamboo rat Rhizomys sinensis Rhizomys pruinosus Rhizomys sumatrensis Cannomys badius The bamboo rats are four species of.

Bamboo rat Bamboo Rats Scientific classification Domain:Eukaryota Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Rodentia Genera:Rhizomys' Cannomys Species Rhizomys sinensis Rhizomys pruinosus Rhizomys sumatrensis Cannomys badius The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the family Rhizomyidae.

sinensis  Rhizomys pruinosus  Rhizomys sumatrensis  Cannomys badius The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the family .

The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the family Rhizomyidae.

The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the subfamily Rhizomyinae. (Wiki)

Singh of the Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University, in dissection of the bamboo rats is gratefully acknowledged. (Full text)

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