Long-eared Jerboas (Euchoreutes naso) are found at the Palearctic region. They opt to stay in sand-filled valleys populated by low bushes, and they could also be found in semi-desert areas. The long-eared Jerboa has also been found in the Qing-Zang Plateau, which is cold and high.
The Long-eared Jerboa is layered with short hair, its upper parts possess a combination of red and yellow. Its belly is white, while the feet are covered with bristly hair. Their incisors are white and thin.
The breeding period of the Long-eared Jerboa occurs twice per season, and this mating act happens right after one has awoken from hibernating. The average number of young ranges from two to six. Very little is known when it comes to how they take care of their young. What is actually known is that the female parent nurses the newborns until the weaning period.
They are presumed to be principally nocturnal, just like their relatives. Specific manners of communicating with each other have not been established, still, it is not farfetched to assume that just like their cousins, they engage in dust bathing, which can be considered a kind of chemical communication. These jerboas' hearing insinuates that they utilize vibrations to talk to one another.
Little owls are considered as one of the most common predators of these jerboas.
Interesting fact: They are capable of eating flying insects. The long-eared Jerboa utilizes sounds to pinpoint the location of the prey.
After which, they do a very quick leap to catch the flying prey.
The Long-eared Jerboa is layered with short hair, its upper parts possess a combination of red and yellow. Its belly is white, while the feet are covered with bristly hair. Their incisors are white and thin.
The breeding period of the Long-eared Jerboa occurs twice per season, and this mating act happens right after one has awoken from hibernating. The average number of young ranges from two to six. Very little is known when it comes to how they take care of their young. What is actually known is that the female parent nurses the newborns until the weaning period.
They are presumed to be principally nocturnal, just like their relatives. Specific manners of communicating with each other have not been established, still, it is not farfetched to assume that just like their cousins, they engage in dust bathing, which can be considered a kind of chemical communication. These jerboas' hearing insinuates that they utilize vibrations to talk to one another.
Little owls are considered as one of the most common predators of these jerboas.
Interesting fact: They are capable of eating flying insects. The long-eared Jerboa utilizes sounds to pinpoint the location of the prey.
The Long-eared jerboa is listed as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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