The Atlantic dolphin, pacific dolphin, saddle-backed dolphin, short-beaked common dolphin, short-beaked saddleback dolphin is listed as Least Concern (LR/lc), lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the shortbeaked saddleback dolphin
A young / baby of a shortbeaked saddleback dolphin is called a 'calf or pup'. The females are called 'cow' and males 'bull'. A shortbeaked saddleback dolphin group is called a 'team, school, pod, herd, alliance (male) or party (female)'.Countries
Albania, Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Gabon, Gambia, The, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, GuineaBissau, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, North, Korea, South, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United StatesShort-beaked saddleback dolphin habitats
Epipelagic (0-200m), Marine Neritic, Marine Oceanic and PelagicSome facts about the
Short-beaked saddleback dolphin
Adult weight : 80 kg (176 lbs)
Female maturity :1754 days
Male maturity : 1583 days
Gestation : 301 days
Weaning : 345 days
Litter size : 1
Interval between litters : 548 days
Weight at birth : 7 kg (15.4 lbs)
Weight at weaning : 40 kg (88 lbs)

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