The Microphis brachyurus aculeatus lives in the demersal, freshwater, brackish, marine, pH range: 7.5 - 8.2, dH range: 20 - 30 environment.
Microphis brachyurus aculeatus ( fish name )slovensky , français Share pictures of your fish! Upload them now! * Maximum size in aquariums (min-max): 18 - 20 cm ( 7.09 - 7. More
and Microphis brachyurus aculeatus, and it is this second subspecies, often referred to by an old name, Microphis smithi, that is the second species of freshwater pipefish that you are likely to find on your dealer’s lists. More
Microphis brachyurus aculeatus (also known as Microphis smithi in older books) is a large species, up to 20 cm (8 inches) long, and is comparatively robust and easy to keep. Besides small insects and crustaceans, it will also eat very small fish, including livebearer fry. More
Microphis brachyurus aculeatus (Kaup, 1856)為有效種名,Microphis smithi Dumeril, 1870為其同種異名。 More
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