Peckoltia caenosa

The Peckoltia caenosa lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.

Peckoltia caenosa Armbruster, 2008 - add this species to your "My Cats" page. Common Name(s) LDA20, LDA21 Type Locality VENEZUELA, Portuguesa, Río Orinoco dr. More

Peckoltia caenosa can be identified from all other species of Peckoltia by having dark vermiculations on the abdomen (vs. spots, long, fairly straight, wide lines, or plain). More

Peckoltia caenosa is unique in having dark vermiculations on the abdomen, the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the head and body mottled and small spots on the head forming vermiculations. More

Peckoltia caenosa has a color pattern consisting of dark vermiculations on the head and abdomen (vs. saddles or blotches on the head and faint dark spots on the abdomen in P. vittata). Among the species with spots on the head, P. lineola n. sp. More

Order : Siluriformes
Family : Loricariidae
Genus : Peckoltia
Species : Peckoltia caenosa
Authority : Armbruster, 2008