The Otocinclus mariae lives in the demersal, freshwater environment.
Otocinclus mariae Fowler, 1940 - add this species to your "My Cats" page. Common Name(s) Dwarf Sucker, Oto Type Locality Boca Chapare, Río Chimore, tributary to Río Ichilo, about 15°58'S, 64°42'W, Río Mamoré system, Bolivia. More
others to track down Otocinclus mariae as it has always been a tough little fish in my hands. Once again, acclimatise it properly and it lasts for years. More
Boliviannuolimonni in Finnish (suomen kieli)
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玛丽筛耳鲶 in Mandarin Chinese
玛丽筛耳鲶 in Unknown
瑪麗篩耳鯰 in Mandarin Chinese
瑪麗篩耳鯰 in Unknown