The Bressou sea catfish lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater, brackish, marine environment.
- The Bressou Sea Catfish had been the subject of scientific research on sustainable food resources on two occasions. - Ichthyologists had been unable to find a definite way of telling males and females apart. More
bagre in Portuguese (Português)
Bagre bresú in Spanish (español)
Bressou sea catfish in English
Bresu in Palicur
Cangatá in Portuguese (Português)
Duri in Malay (bahasa Melayu)
Gata fisi in Djuka
Kurakake-hamagigi in Japanese (日本語)
Mâchoiron bressou in French (français)
Marine catfish in English
Pitit gueule jonn in Creole, French
Pitit gueule jonn in Creoles and Pidgins, French
Pulutan in Malay (bahasa Melayu)
Utek in Malay (bahasa Melayu)
Wakalu in Carib
Wakalu in Galibi
四楯海鯰 in Mandarin Chinese
四楯海鲶 in Mandarin Chinese