Breitensteinia hypselurus is a species of catfish of the family Akysidae.
The Breitensteinia hypselurus lives in the demersal, freshwater environment.
Identification: Breitensteinia hypselurus is long and slender with a long low adipose ridge but no adipose fin, tall neural spines in the caudal vertebrae, a slender caudal peduncle (26% SL), a relatively large eye (5% head length), the gill opening not extending above the More
Breitensteinia hypselurus is a species of catfish of the family Akysidae. A detailed discussion of this species's relationship with the other species in the genus can be found at Breitensteinia. Stub icon This fish-related article is a stub. More
婆罗洲方尾鲶 in Mandarin Chinese
婆羅洲方尾鯰 in Mandarin Chinese