Klamath river lamprey

The Klamath river lamprey lives in the demersal, non-migratory, freshwater environment.

Klamath River Lamprey, Lampetra similis Appearance and Identification: More

Klamath River lampreys have not been fully studied and documented. Fish biologists know that they occupy the Klamath River and nearby reservoirs and lakes, where they live a predatory lifestyle. More

Klamath River Lamprey - Lampetra similis Pit-Klamath River Lamprey - Lampetra lethophaga Kern Brook Lamprey - Lampetra hubbsi Arctic Lamprey - Lampetra japonica American Brook Lamprey - Lampetra appendix River Lamprey - Lampetra ayresi More

Chum salmon, Green sturgeon, and Klamath River lamprey as More

freshwater-only Klamath River lamprey, found in the Trinity and some tributaries, and the Miller Lake lamprey. Another interesting one is the Pit-Klamath Brook lamprey in the upper Klamath Basin and the Pit River. It doesn't eat once it becomes an adult. More

Common names

Klamath lamprey in English
Klamath river lamprey in English
Klamath-lampret in Danish (dansk)
克拉馬思河七鰓鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
克拉马思河七鳃鳗 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Petromyzontiformes
Family : Petromyzontidae
Genus : Lampetra
Species : Lampetra similis
Authority : Vladykov and Kott, 1979