The Poey's scabbardfish lives in the benthopelagic, marine environment.
COMMON NAMES: Poey's Scabbardfish; French Poisson Sabre Latte GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION: NATIVE Mauritius; s. More
* Poey's scabbardfish, Evoxymetopon poeyi Günther, 1887 * Channel scabbardfish, Evoxymetopon taeniatus Gill, 1863 Evoxymetopon taeniatus Lepidopus caudatus * Genus Lepidopus More
Hirenaga-yumetachi in Japanese (日本語)
Poey's scabbardfish in English
Poeys sabelfisk in Danish (dansk)
Poisson sabre latte in French (français)
Poisson-sabre latte in French (français)
Tajalí de Poey in Spanish (español)
卜氏深海带鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
卜氏深海帶魚 in Mandarin Chinese
叉尾带鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
叉尾帶魚 in Mandarin Chinese
波氏窄顱帶魚 in Mandarin Chinese
波氏窄颅带鱼 in Mandarin Chinese