Variegate darter

The Variegate darter lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.

The variegate darter is restricted to the Ohio River drainage, from southern Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia to the Allegheny system in western Pennsylvania and New York. The variegate darter is a fish of moderate-sized streams. More

"The variegate darter is one of Buchanan County's precious natural resources. I'm pleased to have been a part of protecting it," Neo said. "I am also quite proud of all the work our VDGIF personnel put in on this matter. More

The male variegate darter (left) is one of the most colorful darters found in Ohio. The female variegate darter (below) does have some red-orange and blue-green but is less brilliantly colored than the male. More

Variegate darter Of the North American darters, the male of the variegate darter is one of the most colorful. More

bluebreast darter and variegate darter, they are highly selective in their habitat preferences. This darter requires swift riffles characterized by large boulders and cobbles. Spotted darter populations are highly disjunct throughout their range. In Ohio populations are found in Big Darby Creek and the Kokosing River. More

Common names

Spraglet smutte in Danish (dansk)
variegate darter in English
杂色镖鲈 in Mandarin Chinese
雜色鏢鱸 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Perciformes
Family : Percidae
Genus : Etheostoma
Species : Etheostoma variatum
Authority : Kirtland, 1840