The Orangebelly darter lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.
habits of the orangebelly darter was collected by Scalet (2) for the Blue River subspecies, E. r. cyanorum. Scalet determined that juveniles primarily ate copepods, cladocerans, smaller ephemeropterans and dipteran larvae while adults consumed larger ephemeropterans and dipteran and trichopteran larvae. More
adult orangebelly darter, Ethestoma radiosum, in Glover Creek, Oklahoma. Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 69:39-43. Linder, A.D. 1955. The fishes of Blue River in Oklahoma with descriptions of two new percid hybrid combinations. American Midland Naturalist 54(1):173-191. Linder, A.D. 1958. More
The orangebelly darter is endemic to tributaries of the Red River in southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas. More
orangebelly darter in English
Orangemavet smutte in Danish (dansk)
橙腹鏢鱸 in Mandarin Chinese
橙腹镖鲈 in Mandarin Chinese