Bluehead sucker

The Bluehead Sucker is the largest of all Arizona endemic suckers, reaching lengths of over 11.

Friday, June 05, 2009 8:54AMThe rare Zuni bluehead sucker is found only in western New Mexico. Photo by Robert Findlig/AP The rare Zuni bluehead sucker is found only in western New Mexico. More

Consequently, the bluehead sucker is included on the Utah Sensitive Species List. The bluehead sucker is a benthic (bottom dwelling) species with a mouth modified to scrape algae (the primary food of the bluehead sucker) from the surface of rocks. More

Bluehead sucker were documented in about 6% of the reaches sampled (nine of 160, Figure 1). In 2003 and 2004, BHS were only found in the Big and Little Sandy Rivers, the mainstem Green River and the Blacks Fork River. More

commersoni) and the native bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus) at multiple spatial scales by Mitchell, Alison, M.A. More

Flannelmouth and bluehead suckers were collected in large numbers throughout the study area. Razorback and flannelmouth suckers spawned in April and May, when water temperatures were between 6 and 15 C. More

abundant population of bluehead suckers that reside in Millsite Reservoir and Ferron Creek. The bluehead sucker is classified as a sensitive species fish in the State of Utah, and may not be possessed or used in any way. More

The bluehead sucker is native to the Colorado River basin, and the ancient Lake Bonneville basin in UT, ID, and WY. In Idaho, this species occurs in the Snake River system above Shoshone Falls. More

The bluehead sucker, in particular, has a distinctive and unique scraping ridge on the mouth (14). We generated nuclear amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP; ref. 20) markers for 161 individuals at 467 polymorphic loci by using three selective primer combinations. More

bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, and roundtail chub, which are widely recognized as declining native species but are not listed pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. More

unusual, puffy lips, and the bluehead sucker, named for the color of its head, the white sucker has created a reticulate evolution in which a species has three ancestors rather than one parent species and two descendant species. More

bluehead sucker and this will provide additional measures for the management of the Zuni bluehead sucker and opportunities for all Americans to use this land within the Zuni Mountains to hike, hunt, and recreate. More

The Zuni bluehead sucker, a colorful fish less than 8 inches long, is considered endangered by state wildlife officials and is a candidate for protection under the federal Endangered Species Act. The sucker's population has decreased by about 90 percent in the past two decades. It now numbers around 2,000. More

Bluehead Sucker occupy much of the upper Colorado River drainage basin. Bluehead Sucker range in Utah within the Bonneville, Bear River, Snake River, San Juan, and Green River Drainage Basins. More

The Bluehead Sucker is native to parts of Utah, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Specifically, the species occurs in the upper Colorado River system, the Snake River system, and the Lake Bonneville basin. More

whereas bluehead suckers had the slowest growth in both systems and the shortest maximum estimated age in Little Sandy Creek, but an intermediate maximum estimated age in the Big Sandy River. More

* Zuni Bluehead Sucker Monitoring and Conservation Efforts 2008 * Ecology of Blue Sucker and Gray Redhorse in the lower Pecos River 2000-2006 Federal Aid Reports * FW-17 R- 36-3 - Warm Water Fish More

Order : Cypriniformes
Family : Catostomidae
Genus : Catostomus
Species : Catostomus discobolus
Authority : Cope, 1871