The Jasper longnose sucker lives in the demersal, freshwater environment.
* Jasper longnose sucker, Catostomus catostomus lacustris Bajkov, 1927. * Desert sucker, Catostomus clarkii Baird & Girard, 1854. * Bridgelip sucker, Catostomus columbianus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1893). More
proposed subspecies, the Jasper longnose sucker, is endemic to Jasper National Park (i.e., found nowhere else); two other proposed endemic subspecies, a rainbow trout and a pearl dace, were described long ago but require taxonomic confirmation. More
* - Jasper Longnose Sucker , '' Catostomus Catostomus Lacustris '' Bajkov, 1927. * - Desert Sucker , '' Catostomus Clarkii '' Baird & Girard , 1854. More