Nematalosa resticularia Nelson & McCarthy, 1995 - Nematalosa vlaminghi Whitehead, 1985Fluvialosa vlaminghi Munro, 1956; (valid as) - 24.4. More
Nematalosa resticularia Nelson and McCarthy, 1995 - valid Nematalosa vlaminghi (Munro, 1956) - valid - bony bream, Perth herring, western Australia river gizzard shad Neoechinorhynchus nematalosi Tripathi, 1959 - valid Kingdom Fungi Pyronemataceae More
Nematalosa resticularia Nelson and McCarthy, 1995 Taxonomic Serial No. More
Dorosoma arabská in Czech (česky)
繩紋海鰶 in Mandarin Chinese
绳纹海鰶 in Mandarin Chinese