Atlantic midshipman

The Atlantic midshipman lives in the demersal, marine, depth range - 100 m environment.

* Atlantic midshipman, Porichthys plectrodon * Porichthys porosissimus * Porichthys queenslandiae External links - * news @ nature. More

Atlantic midshipman; Specklefin midshipman; Greene's midshipman; Pacific smalleye croaker; Smalleye smooth-hound; Total Images : 18 Page No. More

Atlantic Midshipman - Porichthys plectrodon Atlantic Needlefish - Strongylura marina Atlantic Sailfish - Istiophorus albicans Atlantic Sharpnose Shark - Rhizoprionodon terranovae Atlantic Silverside - Menidia beryllina Atlantic Spadefish - Chaetodipterus faber More

Atlantic Midshipman have large heads, brownish in color. The are interesting because the sides of their bodies are lined with rows of light-producing organs. They reach sizes of approximately 8 inches in length. These fish have toxin on thier spines which cause painful wounds. More

Common names

Atlantic midshipman in English
Atlantisk kadetfisk in Danish (dansk)
Crapaud enchainé in French (français)
doradilla in Spanish (español)
Kazari-gama-ankou in Japanese (日本語)
Mamangá-liso in Portuguese (Português)
Sapo cadena in Spanish (español)
sapo narinero in Spanish (español)
浅水光蟾鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
浅水光蟾鱼 in Unknown
淺水光蟾魚 in Mandarin Chinese
淺水光蟾魚 in Unknown
童蟾魚 in Mandarin Chinese
童蟾魚 in Unknown
童蟾鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
童蟾鱼 in Unknown

Picture of Porichthys plectrodon has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Batrachoidiformes
Family : Batrachoididae
Genus : Porichthys
Species : Porichthys plectrodon
Authority : Jordan and Gilbert, 1882