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The species breeds around the South Island of New Zealand, as well as Stewart, Auckland and Campbell Islands. Colonies on the Otago Peninsula are a popular tourist venue, where visitors may closely observe penguins from hides, trenches or tunnels.
The Yellow-eyed Penguin is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Yellow-eyed Penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) or Hoiho is a penguin native to New Zealand. Previously thought closely related to the Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor), molecular research has shown it more closely related to penguins of the genus Eudyptes. Like most other penguins, it is mainly piscivorous. The species breeds around the South Island of New Zealand, as well as Stewart, Auckland and Campbell Islands. More
The yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) is only found in New Zealand is one of the rarest of our penguins. They live and breed around the south-east coast of the South island, on Stewart island and in the sub-antarctic Auckland and Campbell islands. They are known to Maori as Hoiho. Physical characteristics Standing 65 cm tall and weighing 5 to 6 kg, the yellow-eyed is the fourth largest of the worlds penguins. More
* Yellow-eyed penguins are the least social of all penguins, being solitary breeders. * Yellow-eyeds maintain the largest territory size of any penguin, sometimes up to 1 nest per hectare in forested areas. * Yellow-eyed penguins can live for up to 20 years. Description & Characteristics: Rarest of all the penguins, the Yellow-eyed penguin inhabits coastal forests of New Zealand and neighboring southern islands. More
Yellow-eyed penguins have become a figurehead species of the New Zealand environmental movement. Home of Wiki & Reference Answers, the world’s leading Q&A siteReference AnswersEnglish▼English▼ Deutsch Español Français Italiano Tagalog * * Search unanswered questions... * Browse: Unanswered questions | Most-recent questions | Reference library Enter a question here... More
Yellow-Eyed Penguins, also referred to as Hoiho, are found in small colonies on the lower E coast of New Zealands South Island, in particular on Otago Peninsula. There are further populations on Stewart, Campbell and Auckland Islands (especially on Enderby Island at the N tip of the Auckland Island group). No subspecies or subtypes are recognized. More
Yellow-Eyed Penguinedit this page = From Penguin Wiki Yellow-Eyed Penguin File:YellowEyed.jpg Species Scientific Name: Megadyptes antipodes World Conservation Union Status: Endangered Size Height: Up to 30 in (75 cm) Weight: Up to 40 lbs (6. More
The yellow-eyed penguin is the third largest penguin behind the Emperor, the largest, and the king penguin being the second largest. It stands 22 to 31 (56 to 79 c,) tall and weight from 10 to 13 pounds (4.5 to 6 kilograms). The birds gets its name from the yellow-orange cat-like eyes. They also have a band of yellow feathers going from the bill and circling the eyes and head. More
A Yellow-Eyed Penguin, a native marine bird of New Zealand, makes it way to nest near the Fossil Forest at Curio Bay, on the Southern Scenic Route of the South Island. The Fossil Forest is found in the Catlins district of the South Island. More
The yellow-eyed penguin is one of the most endangered of all penguin species (3). These birds are slate grey with a white breast. As their common name suggests they have yellow eyes, accentuated by the yellow band that runs from the eyes around the back of the head (4). Males and females are identical but juveniles lack the yellow eyes and bands of older birds (2). The Maori name for these birds is ‘Hoiho’, which means ‘the noise shouter’ in reference to their shrill call (5). More
yellow-eyed penguin population had declined severely due to severe predation and loss of habitat and the yellow-eyed penguin was now considered to be an endangered species. This unique penguin is found only along New Zealands south islands’ eastern coastline, as far north as Banks Peninsula and as far south as Stewart Island and beyond to Campbell Island. More
The peculiar yellow-eyed penguin, which builds its nest in forests and thickets. PAPER CRAFT : Rare Animals of the World YELLOW-EYED PENGUIN It is commonly imagined that the penguin lives exclusively in the Antarctic and other frigid zones. However, most penguins actually live in the semi-arctic areas around Antarctica, and the yellow-eyed penguin is one of these species. More
The yellow-eyed penguin (Hoiho) evolved in the cool coastal forest of New Zealand where it had no natural enemies. With the arrival of humans came firstly the Kiore (Polynesian rat) and dogs. Later the Norway and Ship rats, cats, cattle and sheep arrived. The coastal forest that was home to the yellow-eyed penguin was burnt down or cut to clear the land for farming cattle and sheep. More
The yellow-eyed penguin is often referred to as the rarest penguin in the world, although, unfortunately, there are others that could lay claim to that crown too: especially the Galapagos and Fiordland Penguins. Identification: Adults are unmistakable with their yellow eyes and yellow eye-stripes that join on the back of the head. Moulting birds and birds at sea can be confused with crested penguins. More
The Yellow-Eyed Penguin population is in decline because their breeding habitat (forest and scrub) is declining in quality due to habitat degradation by human-induced factors such as development and deforestation. Historically, the forest and scrub type habitat is limited in its geographic range throughout New Zealand, amplifying the effects of any habitat degradation on the resident species. More
Yellow-eyed penguin in dunes. Photo: Rod Morris. Yellow-eyed penguin in dunes The yellow-eyed penguin/hoiho (Megadyptes antipodes) is named for its yellow iris and distinctive yellow headband. Adults are grey-blue in colour, with a snow-white belly and pink feet. Their chicks are covered in thick, brown fluffy feathers that they shed to fledge at between 98 to 120 days. More
Yellow-eyed PenguinThe Yellow-eyed Penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) or Hoiho is a penguin found in New Zealand, on the south-east coast of South Island, Foveaux Strait and Stewart Island/Rakiura, and Auckland and Campbell Islands. Description: This is a fairly large penguin, averaging 75 cm (30 in) long and weighing about 6.3 kg (14 lbs). It has a pale yellow head and paler yellow eyes with black feather shafts. More
The yellow-eyed penguin is the least social, preferring to nest in forest, scrub or dense flax, and strangely, out of sight of other penguins. The adults rarely venture far from shore during the breeding season, usually travelling up to 8-10 kilometres from shore to their feeding grounds, and diving up to 130 metres as many as 200 times each day to catch prey of small fish. Yellow-eyed penguins are not fussy eaters. More
Welcome to Penguin Place, home of the Yellow-eyed Penguin Conservation Reserve, New Zealand's multi-Award Winner. This conservation project is entirely financed through guided tours and we would like to thank you for your interest. In the following text you will find information about the Yellow-eyed Penguin and the reserve. - This conservation project was established in 1985 by Howard McGrouther when there were only 8 breeding pairs of Yellow-eyed Penguins. More
A lonely Yellow-Eyed Penguin on a walk across the Fossil Forest at Curio Bay on the South Island of New Zealand on its way back to its nest. photo of Penguin Animal Hospital Dunedin New Zealand Penguin Animal Hospital Dunedin New Zealand A woman takes care of an orphaned Yellow-Eyed Penguin at Penguin Place Hospital near Dunedin, New Zealand and will continue to tend to this animal until it is ready to fend for itself. More
The yellow-eyed penguin, Megadyptes antipodes (Hombron and Jacquinot, 1841), is an extremely rare species, with a population estimated at only 1,200-1,600 breeding pairs. This species stands 65 cm tall and weighs 5-6 kg, which makes it the 4th largest of all penguin species. They have distinctive yellow eyes and a bright yellow stripe that runs across the eyes and around the head. Juveniles are similar to adults except for the yellow stripe, which they develop around 1 year. More
The majority of Yellow-Eyed penguins are protected in reserves where introduced predators are kept under control. Although there are still some penguins on mainland NZ outside of these reserves their numbers are low and visitors should not try to visit these sites as they could disturb these extremely shy birds. The main reserves are on Otago Peninsula. The most visited reserve is probably "Penguin Place". More
Yellow-eyed penguins breed on the East coast of New Zealand's South Island and on sub-Antarctic Islands to the south of New Zealand, notably Enderby Island in the Auckland Islands. There are only three available estimates of the total population these vary from 4,000 to 6,200 individual birds which would approximate to 1,200 to 2,000 breeding pairs. return to top of page Nesting behaviour Nests are made in dense undergrowth. More
The Yellow-eyed Penguin or Hoiho is a penguin found in New Zealand, on the south-east coast of South Island, Foveaux Strait and Stewart Island/Rakiura and Auckland and Campbell Islands. The Yellow-eyed penguin is the third largest penguin behind the Emperor penguin, the largest and the king penguin being the second largest. Rarest of all the penguins, the Yellow-eyed penguin is unique in appearance and behaviour. More
Yellow-eyed penguins are solitary creatures that seek privacy. Research has shown that the most intensively colonised areas, at around 16 pairs per hectare, are scrub-covered. A stark contrast to open forested areas where occupancy can be as low as .64 per hectare. For this reason a major tool for hoiho survival is replanting coastal sites with native shrubs and plants. Predation - Yellow-eyed penguin adult at nest with chick killed by a ferret, Otago peninsula. Photo: John Darby. More
Yellow-Eyed Penguin Pictures Showing this Penguin with Unusual Cat-like eyes - Top Right Solid Corner Unlike many penguins that breed in large aggregations, yellow-eyed penguins, Megadyptes antipodes, prefer to be out of sight from each other when they nest. As a result, they nest in forests and choose nesting sites that are concealed by vegetation. They may travel as far as a kilometer from the coast to find a suitable nesting site. More
Topic: Yellow-eyed penguin population estimate More
Yellow-eyed penguins are not particularly sociable, breeding in spaced-out territories in the forest rather than the close-knit colonies of other species (3). Pairs are monogamous and stay together for life. The breeding season is particularly long, beginning with courtship in August; the clutch of two eggs is laid in mid-September to mid-October on a nest constructed from sticks (2). Both parents help to incubate the eggs, which can take up to two months. More
As their name implies, yellow-eyed penguins have pale yellow eyes. Their head is also pale yellow. A band of bright yellow extends from their eyes around the back of the head. SIZE: Up to 76 cm (30 in.) WEIGHT: Up to 6 kg (3 lb. More